precious divine mind deserves to be filled only with perfect pure peace for life is (i am) wholly/holy precious pure and divine. nothing that is not of divine pure holy can be held within this mind. i am wholly/holy worthy to be filled with the most noble grace-filled energies and the most luminous pure presence.
love the self to the most means no tolerance or acceptance of anything that is short of total adoration respect or reverence for pure being that i am no matter in what form it appears to be. i am sovereign and in sovereign domain there can only be luminous divine pure presence and total benevolent blessings of life.
mountain vista of self respect self esteem self love. respecting self to the highest without any doubt that it may not be good enough is respecting life. loving self to the fullest without looking for anything less than perfect from within is loving life. ultimate self esteem is trust that self is pure life the totality of life without any form of separation.
from this moment forward the only promise that resonates with pure life is the promise to keep pure being pure, keep divine mind clean and clear, keep divine emotions filled with noble living joy, keep divine physical body vibrant and healthy with pure nurturance.
this is pure self love without any condition this is materialization of living compassion this is divine alignment and divine harmony this is filament of perfect pure peace ignition this is life established when life chooses life to be worthy to be sovereign to be free
finally the echoing of life’s calling is heard clearly from deep within the dormant
all aspects of life responding to the call of pure life essence to come home in union
total unified luminous divine presence
life is so precious
how could there ever be the full presence of life without choosing life
how could there ever be the knowing of life without allowing life’s total blessings
how could there ever be true giving of life without total receiving in full trust in union
infinite blessings of pure life to life